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Category: Stories

03 November

I lived in Paris from 1991 to 1992. It was a period of my life when I wanted to surpass myself and dare to carry out all the projects that came into my head. Leaving Switzerland and moving to Paris for 2 years to attend a photography school was a project that was close to […]

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03 November

From the first days of my arrival in Poland in April 1993, I had a sudden feeling of freedom. It may seem strange in a country just emerging from the constraints of communism. And yet it was during this transition period, which began at the end of the 1980s, that everything became possible. Admittedly, it […]

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03 November

We are in 1994. I’m staying at the Red Cross in Afghanistan and I’m moving from town to town with humanitarian aid convoys. At the beginning of May 1994, we arrive in Kabul. The city is located on high plateaus at an altitude of about 1800 meters. The heat is less stifling than in the […]

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01 November

Visiting Haiti for the first time, I was surprised by the expansion of agriculture practices in mountainous areas that are part of the island. Indeed, Haiti is not only the sea and beaches but also mountains that are rising over 1000 meters. In this part of the island, the weather was cooler, but the sun […]

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25 October

A few years ago, I undertook some visits of humanitarian projects with various organizations in the fields of health, education and the upholding of traditions in countries such as Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Guatemala, El Salvador, Ecuador and Peru. I immediately understood that I wasn’t just visiting poor countries that didn’t have enough money to treat […]

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01 October

On my first trip to Burkina Faso, literally the land of upright people, I see a country full of contrasts. Arid winter, where everything is just dust and withered bushes turned into ponds. Dozens of ethnic groups coexist, speaking over 50 different dialects. I also see the nomadic people who migrate as whole villages according […]

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12 September

Quechua peoples and Q’eqchi are from ancient civilizations and proud of their culture, their history and have a strong identity as I witness it in my travels. These are people who do not like to be observed and exposed to the eyes of strangers. I have to gain their trust and keep a low profile […]

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01 September

Bangladesh means for many of us extreme poverty. True, in the cities and suburbs, a whole population of people lives in slums scattered through flooded and insalubrious areas. But outside urban centers, another world appears. The green fields replace sad buildings and the smell of trash becomes a distant memory. Agriculture and traditional life replace […]

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11 August

The streets in Paris, like in many major cities, offer a live performance, where the actors play themselves: passers-by immersed in their daily lives, walking side by side on the sidewalks of the city without seeing one another, absorbed in their own thoughts, faces daydreaming, remembering, imagining… All this leads to eyes meeting, people talking, […]

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